In the lair, she found a magically sealed vault filled with dark magic. Isabelle then scoped out the island to find a deep hole that leads to the Fox's lair. The droid has also completed its search for the Fox, who is currently in Seoul, South Korea. She then teleported to that location to find herself standing on a magic-made island enchanted to be invisible from the outside. Once the droid started tracking down the Fox's warp points, Isabelle discovers that he travels to various places around the world, but that he also goes back to one place located 200 miles south of Nova Scotia, which Isabelle thinks that it might be his lair. The device would then track and record the coordinates of all of the Fox's warp points starting from the one he made inside Isabelle's room when he left. She makes a device by creating a magical construct with an enchantment that utilizes the components of a cell phone to serve as its intelligence. Several days after the Fox's visit, Isabelle Arrington devises a way to track him down.

The story picks up where the last episode of Too Good To Put Down left off. Isabelle making a magic device to track the Fox's whereabouts How did Isabel make a robot? It’s main body is a construct, an enchantment integrated it’s intelligence with the cell phone components, and additional magic gave it levitation and teleporting. When does this take place? Several days after Too Good To Put Down, and about three to four months before Different Perspectives. Since these two questions will be asked a lot… This was the first animation I got to work on in a while, and I really enjoyed taking a break from the comic to get back to animating. Will she find him? Even if she does, what makes her think the Fox would be willing to take her as his apprentice? Isabelle may only find trouble down the foxhole." Additional Notes "Continuing where ‘Too Good To Put Down’ left off, Isabelle’s journey begins as she seeks to track down the elusive Fox.